Strumenti utili per la professione

Fra i vantaggi dell'iscrizione all'Unione Italiana Commercialisti, vi è la possibilità di usufruire di tool per la professione. gratuiti o a prezzi scontati. Per utilizzare i tool è necessario iscriversi a e collegarsi alla community nell'area dedicata
Preventivo Unico
Un semplice tool potenziato dall'intelligenza artificiale (GPT-4) per il calcolo delle tariffe professionali del 2010 adeguate agli indici ISTAT. Il tool è interamente in cloud
iscriviti per utilizzare il tool
Calcolatore imposta forfettario
On top of all that, we takes care of other common issues such as missing system-fonts, missing
download app
On top of all that, we takes care of other common issues such as missing system-fonts, missing
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Frequently asked  questions

How do I import my email address list?

Whereby is the super simple way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience. way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience

How fast is your email delivery?

Whereby is the super simple way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience. way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience

Do you offer non-profit discounts?

Whereby is the super simple way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience. way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience

Can I see who reads my email campaigns?

Whereby is the super simple way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience. way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience

Do you have A/B testing for emails?

Whereby is the super simple way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience. way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience

Do you offer non-profit discounts?

Whereby is the super simple way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience. way to connect over video. No apps, downloads, or long meeting links. Great user experience

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